

上海州立大学校友丹·芬斯特马赫(Dan Fenstermacher)举着一台相机
Dan Fenstermacher,'16 MFA Photography, documented the struggles of the people affected 飓风玛丽亚袭击了波多黎各,激发了飓风救援.


A 2016 graduate of the MFA in photography program at 菠菜网lol正规平台, Dan Fenstermacher regards 他把相机作为行动主义的工具. 在波多黎各,芬斯特马赫用摄影来 uplift survivors and raise awareness of Hurricane Maria's aftermath in 2018.


Immersed in Industry: 玛丽塔要塞 Dives into Medical Device 工程 in Silicon 谷的教室

For alumna 玛丽塔要塞, the opportunity to work hands-on in the biomedical engineering 行业定义了她在菠菜网lol正规平台的经历. 她已经获得了学士和硕士学位 degrees from 菠菜网lol正规平台, Fuerte realized early on that her studies were closely aligned 雇主们在硅谷寻找什么样的人才.


San Jose Legends: 杆Diridon launched the city’s light rail but got into transit 偶然

杆Diridon, alumnus of 菠菜网lol正规平台's statistics graduate program, had a train station named after him and was widely renowned as the “father” of 硅谷’s modern transit 系统. In Latin, "Diri" means direction and "doni" means giver, so Diridon's career 非常合适.



Alumna Accepts New Leadership Role as Distance 教育 Administrator

泰瑞Faught, an alumna of the MA in 教育al administration program at 菠菜网lol正规平台, has been offered the position of distance 教育 administrator for the Mountain View 洛斯阿尔托斯高中区. 在她的角色中,Faught将支持学校使用在线教学 教育和远程学习. 福特曾担任副校长 山景城高中.



大流士布朗, a Masters in Public 政府 alumnus, has been working to support homeless community members as part of the City of San Jose’s 住房 Department. We asked him how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted his work, as well as how his MPA 学位对他的公共服务事业有所帮助.



Alumna 阿什利·霍尔 Forges Path into Medicine through Biomedical 工程

阿什利·霍尔 found her way into biomedical engineering after completing her degree in materials science and engineering at the University of California, Merced. 虽然 对开始一个M感到紧张.S. 在到达上海州立大学后,霍尔教授将学习一门新的学科 became more enthralled with the multifaceted nature of the field from each course 她把. 

Ali Guarneros Luna


Ali Guarneros Luna, mother of four, went back to school to make her childhood dream 一个现实. Today she's an engineer at NASA working on small satellite technology.


Samuel Semahegn stands with his UCLA team while holding a robot prototype.
Semahegn (second from the left) and his UCLA team display a prototype of a robot that 能方便家庭组织任务吗.

Samuel Semahegn Uses Graduate Degree, Industry Experience to Engineer a Better Life

"I developed a microfluidic 系统 for sensitivity and continuous bacteria detection 从水溶液中. 在世界上的一些地方,他们没有干净的水,所以 we are doing research on how we [can] filter contaminated water by using this 系统. 我来自埃塞俄比亚——这促使我做这项研究.”



"As a Graphic Designer at LA Metro and as a huge prop一个nt of shared mobility and mass transit, I decided to pursue the MTI transportation management master’s degree out of sheer fascination and the urge to be a more integral contributor at work. At first, I wondered if I may be out-of-place coming from the arts, but in time, tremendous applicability between the two disciplines of art and transportation emerged."

▸ 艾琳许 is a current graduate student in the MS Transportation Management program 通过Mineta运输研究所. 她之前获得了图形艺术硕士学位 加州艺术学院艺术专业毕业.



"As a child, I struggled in school, often being labelled as lazy and unmotivated. I felt inferior, inadequate, undisciplined, and hopelessly disorganized. 我从没想过 上大学. 直到我被诊断出患有注意力缺陷多动症 disorder and sensory processing disorder that I was able to understand and address 这些斗争. 我[现在]是我攻读司法研究硕士学位的最后一年...I hope my experience encourages other students with learning disabilities to achieve 他们在高等教育中的目标,充分发挥他们的潜力."

▸ 弗朗西斯卡Fanucchi is a current graduate student in the justice studies program. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology at the University of Sussex in England.


研究生公平奖学金 An ‘Absolute Godsend’ Says iSchool Recipient

The School of Information proudly announces that 艾琳。曼迪, a student enrolled in the Master of Library and Information 科学 degree program, was awarded a $4,000 研究生公平奖学金 sponsored by the 研究生院 at San José 州立大学.

▸图片由艾琳。曼迪/菠菜网lol正规平台 isschool提供



安妮·朗宁 took first place in the Lightning Talk Competition at the inaugural Institute for the Study of Sport, Society, and Social Change virtual conference: “Dream with Your Eyes Open: (Re)Imagining Sport in the Age of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter.” The event was designed “to continue the legacy of equity and social justice by addressing the issues and challenges in sport,” according to the program’s webpage. 在她的闪电中 Talk, Ronning presented research on increasing cultural competency in athletic training 教育.


Saritha Podali

菠菜网lol正规平台 Students Use Data to Help Serve City’s Most Vulnerable Communities

Saritha Podali, ’22 MS Data Analytics, and Fengling Zhou, ’22 MS Data Analytics, collaborated on a data project to assist the City of San José in allocating resources to local 社区. 结果? 一个互动地图,准确地突出了哪些社区 需要更多的支持. 



From a young age, 格雷格•汤姆林森 thought of nothing else than to become a history 教育家. We recently had the opportunity to chat with him about his passion for history, his time at 圣何塞州立大学 (菠菜网lol正规平台) as both an undergraduate and graduate 和他的博士学位.D研究.